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'Medicine Bags'

~ Every Bag Es Unique ~


 ~ Divinely Created ~

13Blissings , 13 Protection , 13Love

All Bags are either customly made 

or Made One Of One

 So All feel Blissed with a Unique adornment   

All bags are made of 


Scrap Leather / Hid

Ranging from Deer , Cow &

Even Buffalo Hid

I aim to Co~Create with these scraps to not only use the hid that was dismissed & waisted..

But to remind all to upcycle & recycle materials from our beloved Mama Earth 'Nature' As are Ancesters would! Sustainability...


You have options.

when ordering please answer these questions..

- What Kind or 'Colored' Hid

1. White Cow Hide

2. Light Brown Deer

3. Dark Brown Deer

4. Maroon Red Buffalo

-Added Feathers or Not

1. Multi colored pheasant 

2. Pavo 'Peacock'

3. Owl 'Pueo' 

-Added Hematite or Shungite (stone inlay)

For added EMF protection !

- What Size?

SMALL (Wallet Size) or Bag Small Bag

Medium Or Large 'Book Bag'

Order Below!

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